Anne Uildriks, an Industrial Design talent, is a conscious and creative designer in the making.
Have you ever thought about what happens inside the lab when scientists, artists and designers combine their strengths to create? Would you believe that a tiny water fern could counteract global warming? Fifty-five million years ago, the world was dangerously overheated by greenhouse gases. Azolla then showed up and with its power to double biomass in two days, rapidly covered the Arctic Sea. The fern absorbed huge loads of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and eventually caused an ice age. We should give Azolla the chance to help the Earth again.
Azolla needs little space, loves to grow on our over-fertilized soils, is very nutritious, and more. With her installation for the Dutch Design Week of 2015, Anne wanted to show more of the high potential of Azolla, and to heat up the discussion about the measures that need to be taken for our precious Earth to cool down.
Chilling in a Box
November 17, 2015