From ten kilogrammes of feed, it is possible to obtain one kilogram of beef or nine kilograms of insect meat. Insects like it dark, and they require little space and barely any water. Everyone could grow their insets in homemade containers. Today, people can still consume their schnitzel at the expense of the environment. But can they also enjoy it with a good conscience? Future prognoses and ethical values call upon us to change our current consumer behaviour. According to Western European cultural pattern it is intolerable to voluntarily eat insects. We find their looks disgusting. But this problem can be solved – by giving the insect meat a new shape. Carolin Schulze her Bugs Bunny, made of insect meat, suggests an alternative that is morally and ecologically acceptable. The concept presents a morphological formal study in seven steps beginning with the wellknown image of the hare or bunny, and going to the grasshopper, or bug, as a 3D printout based on mealworm.
Chilling in a Box
October 17, 2015