On friday the 15th of October BioArt laboratories officially opened the Symbiocence Forest! Our exhibition consists of 22 young talented bio artists and designers who take part in our talent pressure cooker program. Besides that our location is filled with ongoing research projects such as the living fence and our aquaponics.
During the opening eventĀ Dr. Laurens Landeweerd (Radboud University) and Prof. Dr. Vitor Martins dos Santos (Wageningen University and Research) discussed different notions of time and life, in relation to biotechnology and synthetic biology. Our human responsibility to design smart solutions to the problems of the Anthropocene were a central topic. With the right approach to creativity in art, science and innovation, we might be able to move beyond the negative aspects of the Anthropocene, and step into a new era: the Symbiocene: in this era nature and technology would merge into a more balanced biotechnotope.
You can experience these ongoing changes toward the symbiocene in our exhibition. Our team is available for guided tours to tell you everything you want to know. Want to look around by yourself? No problem, our trees can tell you the history of our location and you can find all the information you need in our flyer and exhibition.
Not only do we host an exhibition about the symbioscence, our facilities are also aiming for the most sustainable solutions for the future. During the opening several speakers addressed this notion from different angles: Simon Dona (supervisor Brainport Industries Campus, DONA stedenbouw) provided for a geographical perspective that discussed the green areas in Eindhoven-West; J. Hans van Niedek (IDEN Architecten en onderzoek) provided for a historic angle that focused on the architecture of the buildings of BioArtLaboratories, as well as possible approaches to sustainable building.
We like to welcome you to our beautiful green oasis!