TPC 2016
The Essence of Things
During the Talent Pressure Cooker 2016, BioArt Laboratories stimulated the participating talents to enrich our publics’ experience of essential forms and familiar substances and inspire you to see them in a different way.
The definition of rain does not tell us the meaning of the word ‘rain’ but rather what rain is said to be in respect of itself. Yet, for us to define this essence- this “what it is to be” of rain, we solely rely on our very limited array of senses and experiences. Thus, the fundamental essence of rain might forever remain a mystery.
With the exhibition “The Essence of Things”, which was the endpoint of the TPC of 2016, BioArt Laboratories challenged the public to explorer more of this fundamental essence of objects. We showed them how we can convey the scent of rain through the use of bacteria. The talents’s projects made visitors overcome their fear of substances we originally label as foul such as manure or find the hidden beauty in the gills of fish.