Matter of art

On February the 7th, MU artspace in Eindhoven provided a stage for a discussion titled Matter of Art?! The evening was centred around artists Jalila Essaïdi and Arne Hendriks, whose work was on display at MU till the first of March 2015. Apart from these two creative minds, cognitive neuroscientist Barbara Nordhjem gave visitors an introduction into the field of visual perception. Laurens Landeweerd, researcher and assistant-professor at the University of Delft and at the University of Nijmegen, set out his philosophical perspective on image, representation and reality. The various topics were all mentioned by the debate, discussion leader and respected journalist Joost Ramaer. After the introduction of the leading characters of the evening, poet and actor Esther Porcelijn captivated the public with an essay on the main theme for the evening: ‘the art in bioart’.




February 8, 2015

