Down to Earth Dating

How can we reshape our societal relationship with nature? The Netwerk van Ondernemende Onderwijskundigen (NetOO) presents ‘Down to Earth Dating’.


NetOO is a network of enterprising educational technologists who work in learning and development. They develop learning solutions for schools and companies. For this experiment, they are especially interested in the role we can play in changing our behavior towards nature. Can we influence the way we relate to nature?


An essential part of the climate problems is how we relate to all other living beings. In the West, we consider ourselves as the most important living beings for which the rest of nature is something that serves us. Inspired by Professor Matthijs Schouten’s research, Becoming partners or friends with nature in dealing with the climate crisis can influence our habits from the Anthropocene to the Symbiocene.


We want to answer the question: How do you start a friendship with nature? Before and after the experiment, we ask you a simple question: what is your relationship with nature?


October 21, 2023

