Frozen Firefly

During our exposition Chilling in a Box during the Dutch Design Week 2015, Intellingentia ICE Eindhoven presented their prototype Frozen Firefly! As was only to be expected, the prototype is made out of ice cream.


Intelligentia ICE is an innovative ice cream and taste bar, located in Strijp-S. Intelligentia ICE is well-known for their inventive taste combinations. But not only taste is important for food. Its visual presentation helps you to decide if and what you will eat. Therefore, the process was started with a study that focuses on a type of aesthetic that is consistent with the exhibition of 2015. Light in the darkness, transparency and serenity.


In collaboration with BioArt Laboratories, Intelligentia ICE searched for a possibility to develop transparent and fluorescent photography Fanny van Poppel post-processing Sabine Gubbels materials that are edible. This was easier said than done, because of the ice creams low temperatures. Most of the tests failed, but in the end there was a small glimmer of light! Frozen Firefly is a scoop of fluorescent ice cream, presented on a transparent cone.


Chilling in a Box


October 17, 2015

