Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov

Researcher and artist Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov is very concerned about the current status of the political, religious and scientific instances in his native country, Russia. He feels that their reciprocal interference and their disruptive procedures bring about social upheaval and serious risks to public health. The church interferes with science more and more, HIV dissidence and pseudoscience are flourishing. Plunging into the Middle Ages, even educated people are affected by this influence.


The biggest danger here is the lack of trustworthy information that is accessible to the people, something Ilya aims to portray with his work, with natural scientific knowledge as a main motif. His work for the Talent Pressure Cooker of 2018, Poison Museum, is about the problem of global information and information that can be deadly poisonous.


Cybernetic Forest


October 20, 2018
