Learn from Nature

A celebration of connection. That is the central theme at the Festival Vrijescholen Voortgezet Onderwijs 2022. At the Walfdorf education schools, there is a lot of attention for natural materials and processes in their curriculum. An example is the with biodynamic agriculture that adopts a holistic view of nature and farm life. But how would this tie in with the Symbiocene? Where do we find similarities between the two views, and what are the principles we work from? What can we pass on to today’s students as they move towards adulthood?


During ‘Learn from Nature’, the lectures go into this question. In this day and age, what do secondary school students need to be connected at all levels? With themselves and their development and with others, in the world they live in? And what is the role and mission of the teacher and the school community in this?


Join us during this festival! on the 22nd of September, 2022. The lecture takes place om 10:45 at the Canon Room, at the Openluchtmuseum in Arnhem


September 21, 2022

