Opening Collecting Cultures X Overbruggen



Wednesday afternoon, 14.00, children are running through the tunnel which connects Vredeoord to the Achtseweg. The kids are looking for their bacteria. Visitors and residents of the van Edisonstraat, clients of GGZe and children from the International School Eindhoven became part of the Collecting Culture project. Whipping their hands, fingertips, elbows, noses, toes and cheeks on petri dishes, the bacteria and fungi from their body parts were grown on a nutrient medium in a warm incubator, photographed and turned into big graffiti artworks.

The Collecting Cultures x Overbruggen project focuses on showcasing the connection between the Brainport region, it’s (bio-)technological inhabitants and other residents. The visible shapes and colors of the paintings are representing the diversity within the invisible identities collected. Did you know that 90% of our bodies are made up of microbial organisms that our bodies host. These bacteria and fungi digest your food and take care of our immune system.You and your internal ecosystem go way back, probably about 200,000 years. Evolving with the human race these bacteria do not only live inside you, but also on your skin. This way every action, every habit, your entire cultural identity is shared in an invisible way. Collecting Cultures shows these identities, by blowing up the collected beautiful bacterial, fungus and yeast cultures and turning them into murals. Besides functioning as an aesthetically pleasing surprise for by-passers, functional goals are simultaneously met: the paintings are protecting the concrete against weathering, preventing vandalism and secure social safety. Vincent Huibers (Vincent Huibers Graffiti Agency) and Pim Bens (Vlakwerk) supervised the painting process.

The bridge was officially opened by wethouder Rik Thijs, Pim Bens, Simon Dona, directer Internationale School Eindhoven Boris Prickartsen and the participating children from ISE. There were QR code stickers handed out which lead to the website that hosts all the collected bacteria, fungus and yeasts from Woensel west, International School Eindhoven and GGZe. The bridge is part of the ‘overbruggen’ project which came to be in collaboration with Gemeente Eindhoven, Vlakwerk and Pim Bens. For this bridge painting we want to thank the clients from van GGze, the kids and teachers from the Internationale School Eindhoven and the participants fromWoensel West for donating their cultures to us.


Go have a look yourself!
Location: the intersection of Vredeoord, Achtsestraat 

In collaboration with Gemeente Eindhoven, project Overbruggen, GGZE, Internationale School Eindhoven and Woensel-West Eindhoven.



October 21, 2021


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