Workshop: A (dis?)relation with nature

Workshop: A (dis?)relation with nature

Already the last workshop for our first Symbiotic series! The central concept of the workshop concerns complicated issues related to our (dis?)relationship with nature. Participants were aged 18-40 and they voluntarily signed up through our open-call. The age range and diversity resulted in different perspectives.

Interactivity was guaranteed through introducing several issues through statements:
Proponents of the proposition were allowed to share their objective; after this, the opponents were allowed to undermine substantiations

* ‘Humanity shouldn’t position itself above nature.’

On the first statement was jokingly reacted with a religious objective: ‘God is the reason why we should stand above nature.’ Even if it was a joke, it doesn’t seem such a strange idea to talk about religion to be involved. Was the relationship with nature significantly better in the past? Taking into account the primordial beliefs of Europeans and other peoples all over the globe?
Other statements accelerating debate were:  
* “Gardens should contain only native flora,”

* ”Pupils should become familiar with Dutch nature, flora and fauna, instead of only general biology”
* “At least half of the Dutch territory must be nature reserve”
Considering the four statements, what is your opinion?
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April 23, 2021


Education, Events